Fernão capelo gaivota ingles livro
Fernão capelo gaivota ingles livro

fernão capelo gaivota ingles livro

O autor usa uma gaivota como personagem principal. O segredo de tanto sucesso é simples: o livro é uma alegoria sobre a importância de se buscar propósitos mais nobres para a vida. Mal posso aguardar pelo seu próximo artigo.FERNÃO CAPELO GAIVOTA conquistou fãs em todo mundo e transformou Richard Bach numa espécie de guru para milhares de pessoas. Se preferir, posso escrever minhas respostas de reflexões dos textos em inglês, apesar de não considerar meu vocabulário não tão extenso e excelente quanto o seu. E posso quase me atrever a dizer que, as coisas estão mudando cada vez mais rápido, o que pode ser considerado como algo mais inseguro ainda sobre qual seria o “melhor” próximo passo. Podemos quase dizer que retrata o medo do novo ou inexplorado, lembro-me de você ter comentado algo sobre isso em um de seus vídeos no YouTube, e ter tido essa mesma reflexão quando li a primeira vez o livro do Fernão Capelo Gaivota.Īpesar de tudo, ainda não aprendi a ver o futuro a um médio/longo prazo para discernir se efetivamente é o caminho certo a seguir, o que de certa forma ainda me assusta, pois o relógio parece estar correndo contra o tempo e as decisões parecem muito nebulosas para serem tomadas de forma rápida ou inoportuna. Tenho a impressão que ainda estou com um pé em cada bote, com um pé no futuro e outro no passado, para qual não me sinto seguro para tomar a decisão de largar o passado e ir em frente de um futuro novo que pode me trazer um grande potencial. #careerdevelopmentcoaching #careerdevelopment #careermanagement #careeradvice #career Write this post-it, put it on the wall and talk to it. Life is a journey that we must experience and going through this process made me also learn how enjoyable life is. You must give it a try and if you fail you try again until you make it.

fernão capelo gaivota ingles livro

I understand it is scary to take control of your life, to live your life, and to be the creator. Now, every post-it I write will guide me to exciting adventures and to discover new worlds. I learned that I need to enjoy every step as I move forward, enjoy every single victory, and learn from failures. I was in a mood of excitement and curiosity. You will be excited to know that you are the creator of all your possibilities to unfold a future that will impact positively yourself and all the people around you.Īt this point, I saw the wall of the lunchroom as a portal that would take me to new adventures and new worlds to discover, as I designed the path for the future. It is an intense process because it is very hard to forgive yourself, but when you go over it you will feel much better. It was not an easy thing to do, but I had to be accountable and I had to forgive myself for all the failures I caused if I wanted to be at peace. I did all by myself and I needed to take responsibility for all the decisions I took. I realized that I was the one taking all the decisions but blaming others for my failures. I did the same process several times until I was forced to face the truth. I walked every step of my career in the past, the decisions I took, people I was involved with and what happened to it. The only way to find peace was by visiting the past, so I decided to take a journey to the past and face my ghosts. I was not at peace with myself, and this post-it reminded me of that all the time. “I must leave the past in the past, or I won’t own the future” – this quote came to my mind a lot of times when trying to move me away from my feelings, but something was still wrong. I promised myself many times that, from that from now on, I will be deciding my fate no matter what. I remember having so many conversations with it. It seems that this post-it was trying to say something to me. The post-it seemed to have an aura and every time I was in the lunchroom I could see the letters getting bigger in front of me.

fernão capelo gaivota ingles livro

When I wrote this post-it and put it on the wall, I had no idea how it was going to make me aware of a lot of things.

Fernão capelo gaivota ingles livro professional#

I felt I did not have control of my destiny as a professional and as an individual – the latter took me longer to realize – and no matter what I did, I could not make everyone happy. At the end, all that I was doing was eliminating myself and my dreams. Part 2 - Post-it 1: You and only you determine the direction of your careerĪs I said in part one, I was planning my career to make other people happy, to be part of something.

Fernão capelo gaivota ingles livro